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Dried Quassia Chips - 100g

Dried Quassia Chips - 100g

Regular price R 135.00
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Dried Quassia Chips - 100g

Quassia Amara


  • Bitter tonic
  • Antimicrobial

Traditional Uses:

  • Useful for dyspeptic conditions due to lack of tone
  • Helps improve appetite in cases such as anorexia nervosa and digestive sluggishness
  • Can be used as a general tonic
  • Effective for expelling threadworms when used as an infusion
  • Can be applied as a lotion for lice infestations

Directions for Use:

  • Cold Infusion: Use ½ - 1 teaspoon of the wood in a cup of cold water and let it steep overnight. Drink three times per day.
  • Enema: Use 1 part Quassia to 20 parts water.
  • For Killing Flies: Sweeten with sugar.

Safety Precautions:

  • Safe when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods
  • Do not use if pregnant or lactating
  • Consult with a medical practitioner before use