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Dried Barberry Bark Crushed - Bulk

Dried Barberry Bark Crushed - Bulk

Regular price R 356.00
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Dried Barberry Bark Crushed Bulk

Berberis vulgaris


  • Cholagogue, hepatic, anti-emetic
  • Bitter, laxative

Traditional Uses:

  • Assists in correcting liver function and promoting bile flow
  • Suitable for gall stones or gall bladder inflammation
  • Exhibits a mild laxative effect
  • May aid in cleansing the system for weak or debilitated individuals
  • Assists in reducing spleen size
  • Used in treatment of jaundice, gastritis, biliousness, and ulcerative stomatitis

Directions for Use:

  • Decoction: Boil 1 teaspoon of herb in 1 cup of cold water. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. Drink three times per day.

Safety Precautions:

  • Avoid use if pregnant or lactating
  • Not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure
  • Stay within recommended dosages
  • Consult with a medical practitioner before use